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Staroměstská radnice

The skeleton - The Old Town Hall

Kostlivec každou celou hodinu zvoní zvonkem a dává naději všem zoufalým a nešťastným lidem. Stejně jako kdysi dodal naději uvězněnému rytíři ve věži radnice. Ten okénkem pozoroval kostlivce, který klapajícími čelistmi uvěznil ve svých ústech vrabce. Vrabec musel celou hodinu čekat než zase kostlivec čelisti otevře a on bude moci vyletět. A tak se i stalo a vrabec byl na svobodě, stejně jako byl následně osvobozen i rytíř. Proto dokud kostlivec zvoní, každý člověk má naději.

The skeleton on the Astronomical Clock is watched closely, for fear it might fail on its hourly duty. It's said that even a small delay could bring great harm to the nation. Yet the skeleton did not always inspire dread only. Once, an imprisoned knight was looking out of a Town Hall's window, when he saw a sparrow fly into the skeleton's jaws. The figure was done moving and the bird got stuck, having to wait a whole hour to free itself. The knight wished that he too could escape the bite of death, and indeed some believe he did. Because of that knight's luck, the skeleton also became a token of hope — for there is always a chance of good fortune, as long as the skeleton keeps showing to ring the clock's bell.  

Týnský chrám

The bell-ringer - Týn Church

Před dávnými dobami chodila do Týnského chrámu zvonit jeptiška. Jednoho večera spatřila služku, která zanechala práce a poklekla k večerní modlitbě. To se jeptišce nelíbilo, tak po ní hodila svícen a smrtelně ji zranila. Od té doby musí jeptiška i po své smrti chodit do věže zvonit.

One day, a cruel wealthy lady found one of her many servants distracted by prayer. She punished the girl so hard, the poor maid died. Regret took over the rich lady, so she donated most of her money and joined the nunnery. Yet, so great was her sorrow, that even after her death, she still returns to ring the bells of the Týn church, never to forget the pious maid she had harmed.

Karlův most

Kampa's water goblin - Charles Bridge

Pražský vodník žil ve Vltavě na Kampě, kde lovil své dušičky. Vyvěšoval na vrby u řeky a na mostní oblouky Karlova mostu červené pentle, a když se jich někdo dotkl, tak ho stáhl pod vodu. Hlavně děti měly jeho pentličky rády, proto jim rodiče zakazovali, aby si chodily hrát na Kampu k Vltavě.

By the Kampa Island, submerged in the Vltava river, lives a water goblin that gathers souls. To fish for his victims, he goes around the shore tying bright red ribbons on the branches of willow trees and on the arches of the Charles Bridge. Those who unawarely reach for his bait end up drowned by the water creature, and their souls are forever confined inside his collection of ceramic lidded mugs. So here is a warning: next time you go strolling around the river, beware of those traps!  

Na Františku

The sad Indian - Na Františku

Za dávných časů přijeli do Prahy komedianti a s nimi i starý indián, kterému se ale moc stýskalo po jeho zemi. Jelikož mu v Praze nevyhovovalo sychravé počasí, nastydl se a následně umřel. Ale jelikož nebyl křesťan, nemohl být pohřben na hřbitově, ale jen v hromadném hrobě Na Františku. Od té doby se toulá duch starého indiána Prahou a zpívá smutnou píseň o své zemi.

Once, an American Indian came to perform in Prague. People liked him and paid well to see his tricks, however the Indian didn't fancy the weather and missed his country terribly. It was his wish to return, but an evil manager stole his earnings and spoiled the trip. The sad Indian ended up dying from a cold and was buried in a common grave in a place called Na Františku. There, his restless spirit wanders. In the downtown late hours, he can still be heard singing sorrowful songs about his forever lost homeland.  


The canal devils - Devil's Canal

Kdysi chodila k slepému rameni Vltavy pradlena. Byla na své okolí nepříjemná a velmi zlá. Znepřátelila si tak v sousedství většinu lidí, včetně tři malých kluků. Ti se jednoho dne rozhodli nakreslit na zeď domu, kde žila tři, velké čerty. Ti dodnes straší kolem Čertovky zlé lidi.

Once, there was a very unpleasant lady who often did her laundry on the banks of a canal on the western side of the Vltava river. So much did she bother her neighbors on her comings and goings that they drew devils on the walls of her house. Somehow enlivened, the devils set out to haunt any ill-doers that showed up in the area, thus earning the canal its sinister name. 

klášter Emauzy


The monastery dogs - Emmaus Monastery 

Jednoho dne mniši benediktinského kláštera v Emauzích překopávali starý hřbitov. Jeden z nich vykopal staré kosti. Ani jeden z mnichů nevěděl, co s nimi. V tu chvíli proběhli kolem nich toulaví psi. Mniši jim kosti předhodili. Uviděl je opat a ten mnichy proklel, aby ti se ve psy sami proměnili.

One day, some Emmaus Monastery monks were digging the grounds of an old cemetery, when they uncovered a bunch of bones. Instead of returning their findings to the earth, they fed the bones to a pack of stray dogs. The abode saw it all from a distance and horrified by their actions angrily casted a curse — the monks were turned into dogs, doomed to wander outside the monastery for eternity.  

Židovské Město


The Golem - Old Jewish Quarter

Rabi Löw vytvořil mýtického obra Golema, aby pomáhal s pracemi na židovském městě. Byl celý z hlíny a do úst mu musel vložit šém, kterým Golema oživil. Používali ho na běžné, ale i těžší denní práce. Jednoho dne zapomněl Golemovi včas vyndat šém, Golem se dočista pomátl a začal ničit vše kolem sebe. A tak ho musel sám Rabi Löw zničit, protože až v tu chvíli si uvědomil, jaké nebezpečí pro okolní svět Golem představuje.

To help the Jewish people, Rabbi Loew created the Golem, a giant made out of clay and brought to life by Hebrew chants. The Golem worked endlessly, as long as it had a chem placed in its mouth. However, every Friday evening the chem had to be taken out, so the Golem could rest. Once, Rabbi Loew forgot to perform this task, and the giant went into a fit of rage. Faced with the dangers the Golem could pose, Rabbi Loew thought best to destroy his creation. Nevertheless, some still believe the secret spells to reawaken the giant are hidden somewhere in the Old Jewish Quarter, just waiting to be found.

Kozí náměstí


The flaming cart - Kozí Square

Kdysi se na Kozím náměstí objevoval ohnivý kočár tažený čtyřmi kozly, který patřil samotnému Luciferovi. Na zemský povrch se nejčastěji vypravoval s několika čerty na partičku karet do sklepení v ulici dnešní Štupartské.

Many a time, a flaming cart pulled by four goats was seen flying past a small downtown square. Maybe because of the bleating animals, people started calling the place "Goat square" (kozí meaning goats in Czech). Allegedly, the driver was Lucifer himself, on his way to a game of cards with his fellow devils, for they often met in the old dungeon in the area's underground.

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